The Pebble Salmon Impact Tool is a 607-page document that compiles state and federal agency comments on the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ draft environmental impact statement for Pebble.
There is a new tool aimed at making critiques of the Pebble Project’s draft environmental review more accessible.
The Pebble Salmon Impact Tool is a 607-page document put together by the Bristol Bay Native Corporation. It compiles state and federal agency comments on the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ draft environmental impact statement for Pebble. Sections are colored coded and divided into risks, deficiencies and suggested improvements.
Dan Cheyette is the vice president of Land and Natural Resources at BBNC. He says the tool was developed to better inform Alaskans of the risks the project could pose to Bristol Bay’s salmon fishery.
“This our attempt to set the record straight," Cheyette said. "To be a tool that our leaders can use – Washington D.C, Juneau or wherever – to better educate themselves on what this project could mean to the most important wild salmon fishery resource in the world.”
BBNC, in collaboration with Bessenyey-Van Tuyn, created the tool to coincide with Fish Expo in Seattle in November.
The information in the document has been public for several months. After reviewing the tool, Pebble Limited Partnership spokesman Mike Heatwole said the document did not introduce any new information.
“If the general public wants to know the views of the various entities regarding this draft, they are posted in real time by the Corps of Engineers," Heatwole said. "My observation of the Corps of Engineers thus far is one of the most transparent.”
You can find updates to the draft EIS from the Army Corps at Pebble Project EIS. The Pebble Salmon Impact Tool can be found at