A high-level executive with Trident Seafood’s is switching companies. John Garner is set to become the new Chief Operating Officer for North Pacific Seafood’s early next month. Garner is well known in Bristol Bay and often spent much of the commercial salmon season at the Trident plant in Naknek. Garner was a Vice President with Trident and served as the Director of Trident’s Salmon Division. Garner was among the founding partners of Norquest Seafood’s and joined Trident Seafood’s when the company acquired Norquest. In making the announcement, the President of North Pacific Seafood’s cited Garner’s experience and knowledge of the seafood industry as reasons for Garner becoming C-O-O. Masayuki Yanno noted that North Pacific Seafood’s plans to expand its seafood operations in Alaska with Garner’s leadership. John Garner is a former commercial fishermen and a former member of the Alaska Board of Fisheries. He also served as a Commissioner on the Alaska Commercial Fisheries Entry Commission. North Pacific Seafood’s is headquartered in Seattle but has 5 seafood processing plants in Alaska. North Pacific Seafood’s operates Togiak Fisheries on the other side of Togiak Bay from the village of Togiak and also the Pederson Point plant in Naknek. In 2011 North Pacific Seafood’s purchased the Yardarm Knot Red Salmon Plant in Naknek, which is one of the largest sockeye processing plants in Alaska. John Garner is expected to take his new job as the Chief Operating Officer for North Pacific Seafood’s on October 6th. He will oversee all of the company’s production activities.