Public Radio for Alaska's Bristol Bay
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Collared Mulchatna caribou on snowy landscape.
Alaska Department of Fish and Game
Once one of the state's largest caribou herds, southwestern Alaska's Mulchatna caribou herds' low population has failed to recover. Researchers are examining disease and nutrition to understand why.
A map of Unit 17A for the RM575 RM576 Moose Registration Permit Hunt. February, 2024.
The Alaska Department of Fish and Game
ADF&G announces the extension after a season of few harvests due to poor ice and snow conditions.
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The host of Bristol Bay Field Notes, Terry Fuller.
Bristol Bay Field Notes is your source for an eclectic blend of topics relating to the great outdoors of southwest Alaska. Its goal is to educate, inform, and entertain.
Bears having a conversation at Brooks Falls. July 2022.
Brian Venua
A place for timely updates and lively conversation about the goings-on in Bristol Bay. If you have something you'd like to share, let us know! Call 907-842-2200 or email
Brian Venua
Bristol Bay Obituaries is a place for people to remember family members and loved ones who have died. This is a community page; KDLG staff don’t edit submissions. Email submissions and photos to
Bristol Bay Fisheries Report
  1. Bristol Bay Fisheries Report