The escapement of sockeye salmon to the rivers in the Nushagak District continues to clip along well ahead of schedule for this time in the season. Another 17.7-thousand sockeye were counted Monday as escapement to the Nushagak River to push the season total to 725.2-thousand fish. It looks likely that escapement will approach or even exceed the upper end of the escapement goal of 760-thousand sockeye. Fish and Game reports that sockeye escapement to the Wood River was counted at nearly 41-thousand sockeye on Monday, with another 4-thousand fish counted through 6 o’clock Tuesday morning. That pushes the season total to over 887.2-thousand sockeye. That’s well within the escapement goal of 700-thousand to 1.5-million sockeye. Escapement to the Igushik River was counted at 5.1-thousand fish on Monday to push the season total to over 172.3-thousand sockeye. That’s within the escapement goal of 150-thousand to 300-thousand fish. The other large counting project in the Nushagak District is to count the escapement of Nushagak River king salmon. Another 2.3-thousand king were counted Monday to push the season total to over 71.7-thousand kings. The escapement goal is 95-thousand kings.